How can I pay on the festival area?
Frequently asked questions
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the Latin Airport Festival 2024.
When can I load up?
How can I load up credit in advance?
Why is the Festival SUmmer Cashless?
Can I use one cashless account for all festivals?
What amounts can I load up?
Which payment methods are available for topping up?
How do I get my money back?
Are there any fees involved in the process?
Is it possible to load up credit at the festival site?
I have more questions or problems with the process of getting my money back. Who can I contact about it?
Tickets and Line Up
Where can I buy tickets for the Latin Airport Festival 2025?
Which ticket categories do you offer?
Do you already know which artists will be performing?
What is the Festival SUmmer?
Arrival and Admission
How do I get to the festival site? Where is the best place to park my car or bike?
When does the festival area open?
Can I leave the event site during the event?
What should I be aware of when entering the event site?
Are there seats for wheelchair users?
Age restrictions
How old do I have to be to attend the festival?
Food and beverages
Will it be possible to buy food and drink on the festival grounds?
Aftershow Party
Will there be an aftershow party? How much is the entrance fee?
I am planning to stay overnight. Which hotel would you recommend?
Hygiene rules and sickness
What hygiene precautions apply?
What do I do if I already bought a ticket but feel ill on the day of the event?
Event cancellation
Will I be reimbursed for travel expenses if an event is cancelled?
How and where can I find out whether the event is taking place or not?
Ticket insurance
What happens if it rains?
If you still have any questions, please reach out to us!